Redefine your moments of stuck as being the clearest, most powerful accelerators to the happiness, peace and success at levels that will blow you away.

What this series is designed to do...

Over the past few weeks I have noticed a theme with the type of help people have been asking for. I’ve received numerous reach outs from students, clients and new folks experiencing the dreaded stuckness with their careers, relationships, financial goals, hitting spiritual growth milestones, fully healing health problems… you name it, it’s stuck and not getting better let alone fast enough. Doing what we do best here at Guided Light Healing, we saw this as a beautiful opportunity to put together a brand new webinar series focused on providing people with the high frequency information and tools they’ve been missing all this time that will help them better identify, understand and overcome the blocks that hold them back from seeing the results they want in their lives as well as diving deep into "how to" steps to start adding in more color, passion, excitement and love into your life now - not later. In this series we will cover topics such as >> the divine purpose of experiencing stuckness, what it really means and why it’s not a bad thing >> The components that lead to a person becoming stuck with any goal or with life in general >> How to get yourself out of a place of feeling stuck and into a state of moving forward with clarity >> The cause for creativity blocks and procrastination >> The keys to experiencing happiness in every moment of life >> How to love the now and get out of the vicious cycle of “life will be better when” >> What makes something fun to us and how to turn any activity into something fun and enjoyable... and so much more.

Master Intuitive Energetic Healer & Spiritual Teacher

Alessandro Giannetti

Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Keys to Breaking Beyond a Life of Being Stuck Webinar 2 (Video Replay)

    • Video Recording